Event title
Talk show Kashba
Your Ideas
Bringing culturally divers audiences together and stimulating participants into social innovation.
We deliver
Content, event coordination and talent scouting for an infotainment event, a talk show with live music, interviews, front cooking and demonstrations.
Where and when
Tilburg (NL) 12 programs in Jazz podium Paradox, 2009-2011 5 programs in Paradox and 1 program for Festival Mundial, 2012 1 program for International Women Day, 2013
Stichting Huis van de Wereld, Festival Mundial, International Women Day

Event title
Travelling exhibition NH Stock Art
Your Ideas
Purchase of Dutch and German paintings for the NH Hoteles Contemporary Art Collection NH Stock Art to be shown in the new NH hotels in The Netherlands and Germany.
We deliver
Selection of Dutch and German artists, assistance by the purchase of artworks for the NH Stock Art Collection, art critics to present several openings of the travelling exhibition.
Where and when
Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Maastricht, 2003 Frankfurt and Berlin, 2004
NH Hoteles (Madrid, Barcelona)

Event title
Exhibition El Premi Lletra d’Or
Your Ideas
Low budget exhibition to celebrate the 50th anniversary of a literary award, to be held in the carriage hall of the cultural society Ateneu Barcelonès, a 18th palace off the Ramblas.
We deliver
Curatorial content for the exhibition, selection of artefacts, exhibition texts and copywriting for brochure.
Where and when
Ateneu Barcelonès, 2008
Institució de les Lletres Catalanes (Generalitat de Catalunya)

Event title
Travelling exhibition Sopa de Llibres
Your Ideas
A travelling exhibition on books and reading during the campaign 2005 Any del Llibre i la Lectura to be held in several public libraries.
We deliver
Curatorial content for the exhibition, selection of artefacts, exhibition texts and copywriting for brochure.
Where and when
13 cities in the Barcelona province, 2005-2006
Diputació de Barcelona (Àrea de Cultura)

Event title
Travelling exhibition The Traces of the Alphabet. Writing and Art
Your Ideas
A new version of the exhibition on the origin of writing and the history of our alphabet produced by the Dutch museum Scryption. Adaptation for a Catalan and Spanish audience to be shown in four cities. Follow up with artefacts and artists from the Balearic Islands.
We deliver
Redesign of the exhibition concept, curatorial content, research in archaeological and art museums, galleries and private collections in several European countries, selection of original artefacts for the historic element, selection of contemporary artists, copywriting for exhibition texts, catalogue and brochure.
Where and when
Lleida, Tarragona, Girona and Granollers, 1997-1998 9 towns and villages on the Balearic Islands, 2001-2002
Fundació “la Caixa” (Barcelona and Mallorca)

Event title
Cooking workshop Kashba culinair
Your Ideas
Life-long learning socialising activities involving cooking and eating for culturally divers participants
We deliver
Content, event coordination, scouting of kooks.
Where and when
6 events in restaurant Blend en studio De Culinaire Affaire, Tilburg (NL), 2011
Restaurant Blend, Stichting Nieuwkomers en Vluchtelingenwerk Midden-Brabant

Event title
Cultural exchange Hablar con la boca llena
Your Ideas
A children’s activity to promote Spanish culture in the Netherlands
We deliver
Selection of partners in Spain and The Netherlands, set up of exchange, project coordination, content development for physical and virtual encounters on eating habits and learning Spanish.
Where and when
2 primary schools in Tilburg and Barcelona, 2007 Instituto Cervantes in Utrecht (NL), 2008
Spanish Embassy in The Hague, Diputació de Barcelona, Instituto Cervantes

Event title
Multilingual storytelling Met handen en voeten
Your Ideas
Storytelling event for visitors of an exhibition of migrants’ front rooms
We deliver
Content for multilingual storytelling combining Moroccon-Arabic, Somali, Papiamento and Dutch, event coordination, scouting of amateur storytellers.
Where and when
Tilburg Public Library, 2007
Tilburg Public Library / Bibliotheek Midden-Brabant

Event title
City walk Elfstedentocht in Tilburg
Your Ideas
Bringing culturally diverse audiences together
We deliver
Content for a city walk visiting public and private buildings and meeting people from local communities; event coordination, scouting of participants.
Where and when
Several walks in the city of Tilburg (NL), 2007-2008
Refugee Council of The Netherlands / Stichting Nieuwkomers en Vluchtelingenwerk

Event title
Theatre production of the play Mamma Medea by Tom Lanoye
Your Ideas
Translation of the play
We deliver
Translation into Catalan of the Flemish play
Where and when
Teatre Romea in Barcelona, 2008-2009
Scenic Rights